Linkin Park @Madison Square Garden

Simplemente brutal, un sonido increíble. El espectáculo no tiene mucha parafernalia, tan sólo una pantalla de fondo pero es que no hace falta. Se les veía bien y tocaron y cantaron estupendamente. Dicho por alguien que no es un experto en música, de hecho no lo soy en nada 😛

No encontré a nadie que le interesara verlos y me fui solo, pero lo pasé de muerte. En zona de butacas pero todo el concierto de pie brincando.

Simply great, incredible sound. The show has not many artifacts, only a big screen but in fact there is no need for more. You could see them well and they played and sang greatly. In the opinion of someone who is not a music expert, in fact i am not expert in anything 😛

I did not find anyone interested in coming so I went by myself, but I really enjoyed it. On the seats zone but we were standing up and dancing the full concert.

Madison Square Garden

Madison Square Garden desde mi sitio, antes de llenarse

Lo único que no me gustó es que la zona de la Arena era muy pequeña. Supongo que unos 300 privilegiados pudieron estar a pie de escenario.

The only thing I did not like is that the Arena zone was too small. I guess only 300 privileged people were able to stay near the stage.

In the End

Me ha salido alguna cara visible…uf si alguien quiere que borre el video que ponga un comentario…

Found out that the video contains some clearly visible faces. If someone identifies himself and wants the video to be deleted please write a comment.

Lo más chocante para mí es que todo el mundo cantaba, porque claro, al estar en su idioma todo el mundo se sabía las canciones. Yo era el único pardillo tarareando jeje.

Y no cabía ni una aguja!!!

The most impacting thing to me was that absolutely everyone was singing. Of course as they sing in the same language everyone knew the songs lyrics. i was the only one to la-la-la haha.

It was completely full!!

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